
!!!Maulbronn Abbey - Agricultural Buildings from the 15th to 16th Century

[{Image src='108_Kloster_Maulbronn_-_Wirtschaftsgebaeude_aus_dem_1516Jh.jpg' caption='Maulbronn Abbey - Agricultural Buildings from the 15th to 16th Century, 2013, © [Leopold Röhrer|Geography/About/Consortium/Röhrer,_Leopold]' alt='Maulbronn Abbey - Agricultural Buildings from the 15th to 16th Century' width='900' height='675'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Kloster Maulbronn - Wirtschaftsgebäude aus dem 15./16.Jh.'}]
[{SET customtitle='Maulbronn Abbey - Agricultural Buildings from the 15th to 16th Century'}]