!!!Feichtinger, Gustav 

~* 14. 7. 1940, Wiener Neustadt

__Prof. Dr. Gustav Feichtinger__

Mathematik, OR, Weltreisender

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!Personal Data

* Date of Birth: July 14, 1940
* Place of Birth: Wiener Neustadt, Austria
* Marital Status: Married with Ingrid Feichtinger, two daughters: Susanne and Evelyn

!Academic Data and Professional Experience

* University of Vienna (Mathematics and Physics) 1958 - 1963
* Ph.D. in Mathematics (Algebra) 1963
* IBM Research Laboratory Vienna 1964 – 1965
* University of Bonn (Statistics and Operations Research, Assistant and Associate Professor) 1965 - 1972
* Habilitation in Statistics (Demography) 1970
* University of Technology Vienna (Full Professor for Operations Research) since 1972,
* Head of the Research Group ORDYS (Operations Research and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems) at the Institute for Mathematical Methods in Economics
* Head of the Division for Theoretical Demography at the Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences from 1977-2002
* Part-time position at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) 1992 - 2004
* Vienna Institute for Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Head of Division for Population Economics since 2002
* Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 2001
* Honorary Doctorate of the Faculty for Economics of the University of Magdeburg in 2007

!Research Interests

* Applications of optimal control theory and dynamic games in economics and OR/MS
* Nonlinear dynamic modeling of socio-economic processes
* Economics of 'deviant behaviour': addiction, corruption, violence, terrorism
* Dynamic cost-benefit analysis in public policy, epidemiology (illicit drug dynamics,HIV)
* Demography population mathematics, demo-economics
* Health economics
* Social interactions, peer groups and networks


* Austrian Society for Mathematics (ÖMG)
* Austrian Society for Operations Research (ÖGOR)
* European Society for Population Economics (ESPE)
* German Society for Operations Research (GOR)
* International Society for Dynamic Games (ISDG)

!Associate Editorships

* Central European Journal of Operations Research (CEJOR)
* International Abstracts in Operations Research (IAOR)
* International Game Theory Review (IGTR) Journal of Optimization Theory and Application (JOTA)


* Telephone: +43 1 58801 / 10545
* Fax: +43 1 58801 / 910545
* E-mail: gustav@eos.tuwien.ac.at
* http://orcos.tuwien.ac.at/people/feichtinger
> [Informationen zu meinen nicht-wissenschaftlichen Büchern|User/Feichtinger Gustav/Meine_nicht-wissenschaftlichen_Bücher]

Stand: 2016
!!Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit am Austria-Forum als Mitglied des Editorial Boards
Gustav Feichtinger hat u.a. durch ein Buch mit Kurzgeschichten und drei Romanen zum Austria-Forum beigetragen.
!Buch mit Kurzgeschichten
*[Die Geschichte des Petrolereo|web-books/geschichtedespetrolero00deiicm]
*[Das Schwert der Götter|web-books/schwertgoetter00de2016iicm]
*[Das Geheimnis der Marquesas|web-books/dasgeheimnisder00de2016iicm]

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