!!!Early Modern Period
!!Ludwig Senfl: ''Lust mag mein Herz''

[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Ludwig_Senfl_Lust_mag_mein_Herz/050104a.jpg'
height='250' alt='Ludwig Senfl: Lust mag mein Herz' width='167' caption='Ludwig Senfl'}]

The illustration shows Ludwig Senfl
(ca 1486 Basle - 1542 Munich), who studied with the famous composer,
Heinrich Isaac. He served Emperor Maximilian I as his court composer
and after the emperor's death, Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria. Senfl
probably composed the song ''Lust mag mein Herz'' for the wedding of
Louis  of Hungary to Maria of Habsburg, a granddaughter of
Maximilian (1515). The work not only refers to the wedding but also
includes a hidden acrostic (in this case, the first letters of each
line read as a whole) of the names Louis and Maria,  (E. Stadler)

!Sound Clip
[{Audio src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Ludwig_Senfl_Lust_mag_mein_Herz/050104am.mp3'
caption='Audio sample of Ludwig Senfl: "Lust mag mein Herz"\\© Catkanei - Studio für Alte Musik, Graz. (Aufnahme: GM-Tonstudio-Musikverlag Dr. Werner Jauk, Graz)'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='' Kontrolle='Nein'}]

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