!!Pierre Gaultier: ''Ballet sur l´entree de M. le Prince d´Eggenberg à Rome''

[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Pierre_Gaultier_Ballet_sur_l´entree_de_M_le_Prince_d´Eggenberg_à_Rome/070105a.jpg'
height='250' alt='Les Oeuvres de Pierre Gaultier orléanois' caption='Les Oeuvres de Pierre Gaultier orléanois' width='329'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Pierre_Gaultier_Ballet_sur_l´entree_de_M_le_Prince_d´Eggenberg_à_Rome/070105b.jpg'
height='250' alt='französische Lautentabulatur' caption='French Lutetabulature' width='331'}]
[{Image src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Pierre_Gaultier_Ballet_sur_l´entree_de_M_le_Prince_d´Eggenberg_à_Rome/070105c.jpg'
height='250' alt='Schloß Eggenberg' caption='Eggenberg Palace\\© Helmut Schubert, Graz' width='381' popup='false'}]

Pierre Gaultier (1599 Orléans - 1681 Caen) came from a middle-class
family and entered the Jesuit monastery in Orléans when he was 22.  He
was sent to Rome as a part of his training where he met the dedicatee
of this piece for lute in 1638. Prince Eggenberg was there for the
inthronisation of Emperor Ferdinand III. With the financial support of
Prince  Johann Anton von Eggenberg he was able to have his ''Oeuvres''
printed which explains why they are dedicated to him. The first picture
shows the Frontespiece of ''Les Oeuvres de Pierre Gaultier
orléanois'', which was published in 1638 in Rome. The second one shows the
French Lutetabulature (Kremsmuenster L 81) of the musical example.
This form of notation uses letters to show the frets on the instrument;
rhythmic and other symbols indicate the length of each note,
embellishments and fingering. In the third picture Eggenberg Palace (built
1625-55) is shown as it is today; it was the main seat of the Eggenberger family
and now the district of Graz is also named after it. (E. Stadler)

!Sound Clip
[{Audio src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Pierre_Gaultier_Ballet_sur_l´entree_de_M_le_Prince_d´Eggenberg_à_Rome/070105am.mp3'
caption='Pierre Gaultier: Ballet sur l´entree de M. le Prince d´Eggenberg à Rome\\© Musikproduktion ambitus, Hamburg (D), CD-Nr. Amb 97 828'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='' Kontrolle='Nein'}]

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