!!!Viennese Classic
!!Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: ''Don Giovanni''
!Video clip
[{Video src='Wissenssammlungen/Musik-Lexikon/Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart_Don_Giovanni/090106a.mp4' caption='Scene from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: "Don Giovanni". Probenmitschnitt einer Aufführung (22.10.1996) der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz unter der Leitung von Prof. Wolfgang Schmid.\\© Aufnahme: Helmut Schubert, Graz'}]

W. A. Mozart (1756 Salzburg - 1791 Vienna)
used the three most popular dances of his day for the ball scene in 
''Don Giovanni'' (1787): Menuet, Contredance und Deutscher. What makes
the scene so special is that these are three dances representing
different strata of society and the hierarchy of the classes, but he
presents them all together. Even Don Giovanni's words that open the
ball  ''è aperto a tutti quanti, viva la libert…!'' (it's open to all,
long live freedom!) require us to consider its sociological meaning  -
dance music as the reflection of an ideal society. On the other hand,
the polymetrical structure (the various dances with different meters
are all played at the same time) creates chaos, which may even forbode
Don Giovanniy's tragic end. On top of that musical elements of one
dance are used in other dances as a kind of common idea. (E. Stadler)

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