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Münze Österreich AG#

Muenze Oesterreich AG (Mint of Austria): stock corporation whose main task is the production of "small change" (token coins) for money transactions; Austrian Schilling coins and Groschen coins as well as Euro coins and Cent coins, which will replace the Shilling and Groschen from January 1, 2002. The Mint of Austria also mints collectors and commemorative coins such as recoinages of crowns, guldens and ducats.

The Muenze Oesterreich AG originated at the time of the Babenbergs. The ransom paid for King Richard I (Lionheart) was supposedly a decisive stimulus for establishing a mint (1193/94) in Vienna. In the 18th century the Vienna Mint was strongly supported by Emperor Karl VI, who purchased new machines and laid the foundation for its present high artistic standard by establishing an engraving academy. In 1839 the mint was transferred to new premises at Heumarkt street and production was modernized. - In 1918 the Federal Ministry of Finance was put in charge of the Vienna Hauptmuenzamt (Main Mint), the only mint in Austria. On January 1,1989 the main mint was transformed into the Muenze Oesterreich AG as part of the Austrian National Bank, thus creating one single central body responsible for all Austrian notes and coins in circulation. The first Austrian gold bullion coin "Wiener Philharmoniker" ("Vienna Philharmonic") has also been in great international demand (mainly in Japan and the USA), becoming one of the best-selling bullion coins, with more than 6 million pieces sold worldwide (1989-1998).