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unbekannter Gast

Rott, Adolf#

b. Barmen (Wuppertal, Germany), Dec. 14, 1905, d. Vienna, July 24, 1982, director, theatre manager. Initially at German theatres (Berlin, Hamburg, Danzig, etc.); 1937-1945 teacher at the Reinhardt-Seminar drama school, 1937-1951 director at the Burgtheater, 1951-1954 chief director at the Burgtheater and at the State Opera; 1954-1959 manager of the Burgtheater (re-opened in 1955), then visiting director at all federal theatres and from 1962 chief director at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Duesseldorf. Revived the classical Vienna operetta and initiated the "Spiel auf dem See" at the Bregenz Festival. 1962 honorary member of the Burgtheater.


E. Stigler, A. R. Burgtheaterdir. 1954-1959, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1983.