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Veitsch, Markt#

Veitsch, Styria, market town in the district of Muerzzuschlag, alt. 669 m, pop. 3,420, area 77.71 km2, industrial centre at the confluence of the Grosse Veitsch and Kleine Veitsch rivers, at the foot of Veitsch plateau. - Once the oldest Austrian magnesite mining industry (from 1881 strip mining) at Sattlerkogel, it was shut down in 1967; plant of the company Veitsch-Radex GmbH at Grossveitsch; prefab production. - Late Gothic parish church (documented mention in 1206, nave from 1456) with late Gothic statues (late 15th century) and Gothic ornamental disks.


O. Pickl, Geschichte der Gemeinde Veitsch, 1979.