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unbekannter Gast

Vierzehn Nothelfer#

Fourteen Auxiliary Saints: A group of fourteen saints called upon in prayer to intercede on behalf of the faithful in situations of need or danger. Known as early as the 9th century in Regensburg, the cult spread from there into south Germany and Austria during the Middle Ages in connection with the Black Death. All fourteen saints, with the exception of Aegydius, are martyrs. As well as Barbara, Blasius, Georg and Veit, the following saints are of importance in Austria: Acacius, feast day 22 June, depicted as a Roman soldier, attribute: thorn twig, patron saint against fear of death and persecution; Aegydius, feast day 1 September, depicted as a monk, attributes: hind and fawn, patron saint against infectious diseases of animals and fire; Cyriacus, feast day 8 August, depicted as a deacon, attribute devil fettered by a chain, patron saint against temptations by demons in one´s last hour; Denys (Dionysius), feast day 9 October, depicted as a bishop, as attribute he carries his head in his hands, patron saint against headache; Erasmus, feast day 2 June, depicted as a bishop, attribute windlass (symbol of his martyrdom), patron saint of seamen and against abdominal pain; Eustace, feast day 20 September, depicted as a Roman soldier, attribute stag with crucifix between its antlers, patron saint in all difficult situations; Catherine, feast day 25 November, depicted as a virgin, attribute spiked wheel, sword, palm tree, often depicted with coronet, patron saint against migraine and complications of pregnancy; Margaret, feast day 20 July, depicted as a virgin, attributes dragon, palm tree, sword, patron saint against birth complications and infertility; Pantaleon, feast day 27 July, depicted with his hands nailed to his head or with ointment bottle and urinal, attribute nail, patron saint of physicians and against headache and lung complaints. There are also a number of other saints who are venerated locally, such as Leonard, Nicholas, Oswald, Quirinus, Rochus, Sebastian and Dorothy.


L. Mazakarini, Die Attribute der Heiligen, 1985; O. Wimmer and H. Melzer, Lexikon der Namen und Heiligen, 41982.