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unbekannter Gast


Weissensee, Lake, Carinthia, alt. 929 m, area 6.4 km2, 10.5 km long and 0.9 km wide, 97 m deep, at the foot of the Gailtal Alps, north of Hermagor, most westerly bathing lake in Carinthia; the most important tributaries are the Muehlbach and Almbach streams, drained by the Weissenbach stream, a tributary of River Drau/Drava; parts of the banks are densely forested, landscape conservation area. The most important villages on the lake are Oberdorf, Gatschach (alt. 949 m), Techendorf (alt. 945 m) and Neusach in the north as well as Naggl (alt. 952 m) in the south.