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United States Capitol - National Statuary Hall Collection#

United States Capitol - National Statuary Hall Collection
United States Capitol - National Statuary Hall Collection, August 2017, © Gerhard Huber, under CC BY-NC 4.0 +Edu

In der einstigen Versammlungshalle des Repräsentantenhauses stehen heute Statuen von prominenten Bürgern. Jeder Bundesstaat hatte das Recht, zwei Skulpturen zu stiften. Unter den 100 Patrioten sind nur 5 Frauen zu finden, darunter eine Ordensschwester, zwei Schriftstellerinnen und sogar eine indianische Politikerin.
In the former assembly hall of the House of Representatives today several statues of prominent citizens are lined up. Each state had the right to donate two sculptures. Among the 100 patriots there are only 5 women, including a nun, two female writers and even a native American politician.