!!!Huangshan mountains- Part 2

Photos by [Stas Sedov|http://rccam.livejournal.com] and
[Sergey Rumyantsev|https://www.airpano.com/gallery.php?gallery=1],
members of the [AirPano Team|Geography/About/Consortium/AirPano,_Team] that is a member of the [global-geography Consortium|Geography/About/Consortium]. \\

25 September 2019

with kind permission of [AirPano|http://www.AirPano.com]

There is a mountain range in eastern China named Huangshan. No doubt
that all the mountain landscapes in any corner of the Earth are
exceptionally beautiful, but Huangshan mountains are definitely
something special. This massif was formed approximately 100 million
years ago in the Mesozoic Era and later gained its unique rock
formations as a result of glacier activity. The peaks of the most
unusual silhouettes resemble the figures of animals, birds, and even

[{Image src='01_HM2.jpg' caption='Stone Monkey Gazing Over the Sea of Clouds\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false'}]

The peculiar shapes are also the feature of endemic pines of Pinus
taiwanensis that cover the mountainsides of Huangshan. The pines grow
only on the grounds over 800 meters above sea level. It seems that their
existence within mists and endless winds is only possible in defiance of
the power of nature. The length of the roots is usually several times
longer than the trunk of the tree; the needles are short and sharp. The
pines have a broad, flat-topped crown of curvy branches and they grow
rather slow.

[{Image src='02_HM2.jpg' caption='Huangshan mountains, China\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false'}]

The most noticeable pines have got their own unique names: Pine-Pillow,
Phoenix, Chessboard, Black Tiger, Sleeping Dragon... But the most famous
one is Welcoming-Guests Pine with the branches growing in one direction
as if the pine really welcomes the travelers.

[{Image src='03_HM2.jpg' caption='Huangshan mountains, China\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false'}]

Huangshan mountains vary greatly in shape and altitude: 77 of them are
above 1,000 meters high! The mountaintops are often above clouds, so
they are notable for interesting light effects known as the Sea of
Clouds and Buddha's Light that occur here.

[{Image src='04_HM2.jpg' caption='The path to the Turtle Peak\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false'}]

The tallest and best-known peaks are Lotus Peak (1,864 m) surrounded by
clouds all year long, Bright Summit Peak (1,840 m) and Celestial Peak
(literally Capital of Heaven Peak, 1,829 m). There is also a unique rock
formation called Flying-Over Rock, which resembles an upside-down pear,
stands vertically and makes us wonder why at all it doesn't fall. Monkey
Watching the Sea is another boulder standing atop the mountain and
really looking like a monkey when viewed from the right direction. The
Purple Cloud Peak is famous for having multiple hot springs located at
the foot of this mountain; the water stays at 42°C all the time all year

[{Image src='05_HM2.jpg' caption='Huangshan mountains, China\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false'}]

The very name "Huangshan" literary means "Yellow Mountains", but this
name is relatively new. It is considered that in 747 the name of the
range was changed to Huangshan in honor of Huang Di, a legendary Chinese
emperor who is stated, according to legends, to have invented the Pills
of Immortality in these mountains. Previously, the range was known as
"Black" because of steep dark mountainsides.

[{Image src='06_HM2.jpg' caption='Sunset over Huangshan mountains\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false'}]

In 1990 this place was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site for being a
site of scenic natural beauty. Huangshan was declared a national park by
the government and now is a major developed tourist destination in
China. Huangshan is also known for its stone steps carved into the rocks
and leading to the mountaintops, including the highest one - Lotus Peak.
You can climb these steps and enjoy the view of the most unusual shapes
of the mountains, clouds and incredible sunsets. But definitely, the
most convenient way to have a tour to this outstanding corner of the
Earth is just to open AirPano panoramas.

[{Image src='07_HM2.jpg' caption='Sunset over Huangshan mountains\\© [AirPano|https://www.AirPano.com]' alt='' width='900' popup='false'}]

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[15 panoramas of Huangshan mountains- Part 2|Geography/Asia/China/Pictures/Huanshan_mountains-Part_2]

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