!!!Khabarovsk, Flooding of Amur River

Photo by Stanislav Sedov and Dmitry Moiseenko,
members of the [AirPano Team|Geography/About/Consortium/AirPano,_Team] that is a member of the [global-geography Consortium|Geography/About/Consortium]. \\

28 September 2013

with kind permission of [AirPano|http://www.AirPano.com]

As we were wrapping up our two-week long Kamchatka trip and finally
getting a better reception on our phones, we suddenly received a new
suggestion from our project editor: we had to fly to Khabarovsk to shoot
the flood. It was hard to agree because we were exhausted from our
previous trip and absolutely unprepared for this one. It took us a
couple of hours to make our decision, and here we were — looking down at
flooded fields of Amur River near Khabarovsk from our plane's windows
instead of our sweet home in Moscow.

[{Image src='01_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='609'}]

We went to check out city's main Boardwalk right after landing.

To tell you the truth, Khabarovsk city is lucky to have its main port
located on top of a high hill with long stairwells going from the city
center down to the river. The flood peaked while we were in Kamchatka.
At that time water levels in the river raised over eight meters,
covering the lower part of the city Boardwalk completely. Right now
water level went down to +five meters and the walkways were dry along
the riverside, although the walkways were still partially closed for

[{Image src='02_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='601'}]

We assembled our RC helicopters right on the pavement and took off.
Aleksei, who accompanied us around Khabarovsk, told us that there was a
number of islands still under water.

[{Image src='03_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='601'}]

Unlike its outskirts and surrounding areas that were still covered with
water, the city itself didn't have much damage. Aleksei's friend told us
that his cottage (which was located about thirty kilometers from Amur
River) was in the water up to the first floor during the flood peak, and
his banya was almost completely underwater.

The following morning we set off to Komsomolsk-on-Amur in our friend's
car. The road from Khabarovsk was fine most of the time. However in
lower areas damaged by the water road workers made new gravel paths, and
everybody moved with a turtle speed over there. Moreover, one of those
places is still closed during nighttime.

[{Image src='04_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='624'}]

We started our work right after passing Amur River on our way to
Komsomolsk-on-Amur. As our helicopter took off, we saw flooded fields, a
power station, and suburbs. Remarkably, the life in the city center
looked pretty normal: people were going about their business and public
transport was going on schedule. The river mostly flooded houses in the
suburbs and industrial facilities at the outskirts of the city. Despite
of the fact that Komsomolsk-on-Amur got hit by the Big Water much later
than everyone else, we were still late for the peak of the flood.
However, even this «afterparty» looked shocking: partially flooded roads
and mountains of construction debris (broken fences and pieces of small
structures crashed by the water) were all over — it was a horrible

[{Image src='05_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='698'}]

We shoot one of such areas called Parkovy (Parkside). People were
wearing waders or using boats to move about. Locals were helping each
other. We often heard people calling their neighbors left in the flooded
area asking how they are holding and if they needed help.

Who else would know about critical areas in the city, but taxi drivers?
We stopped at one of taxi stations, and Dima found out that there was a
residential area nearby — high rise district called Mendeleyevsky — that
was still underwater. We went there right away.

[{Image src='06_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='455'}]

However, it was not so easy to get there by car — for a stretch of
almost three kilometers the road was under water. This was where we saw
rescue teams and firefighters: they arranged amphibias and all-terrain
trucks to transport local residents. Our helicopter took off and shot
one of the «convoys» taking people away from the flood to a village.

Two rescue team members, Denis and Yuri, were impressed by our equipment
and a quality of images on our monitor, and offered us a lift to the
village on their boat. We pack remaining helicopter batteries and went
there. It felt very weird to float above an asphalt road in a boat.
Denis was on the lookout for shallow places as we slowly made our way
through the water. Yuri told us that only a few days ago the water was
so high they could go full speed on this road, but at that time the
water level was much lower.

[{Image src='07_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='601'}]

In about an hour we found ourselves in the center of the village:
everything looked pretty gloomy. Practically all multi-store buildings
were in the water up to the first floor. There were rafts tided at every
entrance for boats to dock. The place has turned into «Venice».

We could see gas power generators on windows and balconies. People
stayed in their apartments and tried to carry on with their lives
somehow. We were told that the electricity has been cut off, but there
was gas and running water available at some places.

[{Image src='08_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='594'}]

We took off from the front yard, photographed the village, and moved on
to the residential suburbs. As we headed out, with much surprise, I
noticed a man fishing from his balcony on the third floor...

The suburbs got the worst of it. Parts of the houses were simply washed
away by the water. Those left standing exhibited signs of life: dogs
were guarding remaining belongings that were moved up on rooftops, cars
were placed up on fences and shed roofs, fire wood, and other stuff. At
the same time, there was a constant traffic of motor boats and blow-up
boats with people going about their business or to help their neighbors.

Yuri and Denis told us that the building of the dam that was supposed to
protect this area from the flood started too late. When it was clear
that they had no time to finish it, it was stopped thus subjecting the
entire area to flooding.

[{Image src='09_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='416'}]

The water was gradually leaving, but nobody knew if it would be gone
completely before the frost. If the water stays for another month, when
the temperature drops below Zero, foundation of all flooded buildings
will be practically destroyed. As water expands in sub-temperatures, wet
flooded foundation is bound to crack. Even now people from «water free»
buildings are trying to dry them by all means possible.

It is impossible to feel the tragedy of local people by watching it on a
TV. While being depressed, we returned to the «big land» and went back
to Khabarovsk.

[{Image src='10_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='466'}]

We spent the night in our car by the blocked part of the road — there
were no vacancies in motels. During a day we recharged our batteries and
drove to check out suburbs of Khabarovsk. Large number of villages and
neighborhoods on the left (lower) bank of Amur River were flooded, but
most of them were free from their «water captivity».

[{Image src='11_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='684'}]

We found flooded houses only near Telman village by the Amur River
bridge. The railroad people made a protective dam, but they didn't have
time to finish it (or didn't make it high enough) — the village got
flooded. And now this very dam doesn't let water naturally flow out of
the village like it did in the nearby areas, so firefighters had to pump
it out.

In other flood-free places people are actively rebuilding damaged

[{Image src='12_Flooding in Amur River, Russia.jpg' caption='Flooding in Amur River, Russia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='601'}]

At the end, we would like to thank Anrey Bogatiryov and Alex Perebeynus,
our friends from Khabarovsk, for their help in organization of this trip
and for real Far-Eastern hospitality! Special thanks to truly khabarovsk
citizen — Igor Kuznetcov. If we hadn't accidentally met each other in
Moscow and without your further help, this shooting wouldn't happened.

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[14 Panoramas of Khabarovsk,_Flooding_of_Amur_River|Geography/Asia/Russia/Pictures/Panoramas_of_Flooding_in_Amur_River]

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