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unbekannter Gast


Denmark is frequently ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world in cross-national studies of happiness.

The country ranks as having the world's highest social mobility, a high level of income equality, has one of the world's highest per capita incomes, the least corrupt country in the world, and has one of the world's highest personal income tax rates. Denmark became a member of the European Economic Community in 1973, maintaining certain opt-outs; it retains its own currency, the krone.

  • Denmark has boundary with Germany which is approximately 68 km.
  • The largest river in Denmark is Gudena which is 160 km.
  • The largest export partner of Denmark is Germany.
  • The largest import partner of Denmark is Germany.
  • There are 169 seaports in Denmark.

Surprising facts about Nobel Prize winners#

  • There are 12 Denmark-born Nobel Prize winners but none from that country in the last ten years.
  • There are 12 Denmark-born Nobel Prize winners, but there is no Denmark-born Nobel Prize winner in economics.
  • There are 12 Denmark born Nobel Prize winners but there was a gap of 31 years (1944-1975) between two awards.

Tourist Attraction#

Canals are the main thoroughfares along a peaceful stretch of the Jutland Peninsula.

National Facts#

  • The national bird of Denmark is Mute swan.
  • Marguerite Daisy is the national flower of Denmark.
  • The national dishe of Denmark is Stegt flæsk.
Stegt_flæsk.jpg, Foto: source: Wikicommons unter CC
Foto: source: Wikicommons unter CC


  1. Text marked as italic is taken from unter CC