!!!Vernazza, Cinque Terre [{GoogleMap location='Vernazza, Italy'}]

by Sergey Shandin and Stas Sedov,
members of the [AirPano Team|Geography/About/Consortium/AirPano,_Team] that is a member of the [global-geography Consortium|Geography/About/Consortium]. \\

25 March 2015

with kind permission of [AirPano|http://www.AirPano.com]

Today we represent the third of the five virtual tours of wonderful
place of Italy — Cinque Terre. During this week we will publish a new
tour every day. On Friday 27th of March all 5 towns of "Five Lands" will
be available on our website.

Here are few facts about Cinque Terre:

A dozen kilometers of rocky coastline and half a dozen of settlements —
either towns or hamlets. So why do tourists from all over the world come
there? Let's clear it up.

Would you like to find yourself in a place where little multicoloured
houses climb the steep rocks, slopes are covered with vineyards and
underneath there are emerald-green sea waves? Where there are no cars,
but many boats? Where you can ramble through narrow streets for a long
time? So there is such a place as Natural Reserve of the Cinque Terre
(Five Lands) that is situated on the Ligurian shore in Italy.

Five Lands refer to five tiny towns: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia,
Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare. Each of them has its own recognisable
appearance and doesn't look like each other.

[{Image src='01_Riomaggiore.jpg' caption='Riomaggiore' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='486'}]

The Cinque Terre has been under the protection of UNESCO since 1997.
Here one can find piled up boats instead of parked cars we got used to.
The sea that washes the Ligurian shore is considered to be one the
purest in the Mediterranean. The natural reserve has been existing for
more than ten years. During this time local marine life has regenerated,
so the natural reserve has become attractive not only to common holiday
makers, but also to divers.

You can get the Cinque Terre by water (using either boat or small ship)
or by rail. In case you go there by train, which goes almost all the way
through the tunnel, you will have a feeling you are on the subway. The
train goes out only near the stations, so that not to spoil the beauties
of the landscape.

[{Image src='02_Vernazza.jpg' caption='Vernazza' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='588'}]

Riomaggiore, the largest of the five towns, was founded in the beginning
of the 13th century. Its population is about 1700 people. It is where
the famous Love Walk (Via Dell'Amore) begins (or ends, depending on
where are you going or coming from), but I shall tell about it a bit
later. Riomaggiore is also famous for its wine. Well, actually, it can
be said about all the five towns.

Several trekking routes are created to connect the towns. The distances
are not long, but if you finally decide to follow these routes you
should be prepared to hike mountain paths which require more time than
simple smooth roads. To warm-up you can try Via Dell'Amore, the Love
Walk which connects Riomaggiore and Manarola. This town has the
population of 450 people and has preserved medieval fortifications which
protected citizens from pirates.

[{Image src='03_Vernazza.jpg' caption='Vernazza' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='489'}]

Here is one of the legends that can be heard about this place. A long
time ago young fellows from Manarola used to come to the river near
Riomaggiore to get water. As in any common ancient legend, the residents
of these towns were hostile to each other. One of the fellows met a
beautiful young girl from Riomaggiore, so they, having fallen in love
with each other, started to date secretly. Brothers of the girl found
out about it and locked her in the house. She managed to get out and
went to her beloved. But their rendezvous ended tragically: both of them
slipped and fell into the sea. Since then residents of both towns have
lived in peace, and the path has got its name — Via Dell'Amore. The 2011
flood significantly damaged the Cinque Terre, but by now everything has
been completely restored. Unfortunately, landslides and rockfalls
sometimes result in closing the road.

[{Image src='04_Riomaggiore.jpg' caption='Riomaggiore' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='674'}]

If you happen to visit Manarola, follow Via Dell'Amore and recall this
ancient legend. And if the evening takes you by surprise, it is better
to spend it on a hill. You will be able to enjoy the splendid view which
is ‘advertised' on post-cards. Furthermore, there is one more curious
thing in Manarola — the elevator for boats. To carry a boat from a stony
bay it should be hanged on a block and lifted upwards, then placed on
the square.

Corniglia is the smallest of the five towns (only 245 residents) and the
one which has no access to the sea as it is situated on a hill. To get
there you have to climb a high staircase (probably it is the reason why
there are fewer tourists). But if you finally conquer the steep slope
you will be awarded with magnificent panoramic view; and the stroll
along narrow streets will bring you pleasure even on a hot day.
Corniglia is famous not only for its vineyards, but for the way the
harvest is delivered. It is impossible to carry it by car as the slopes
are too steep, so grapes are delivered by a single-rail device that
resembles a bike riding on a roller coaster.

[{Image src='05_Corniglia.jpg' caption='Corniglia' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='405'}]

Vernazza is a pearl of the Cinque Terre, the most splendid of all five
towns. The beautiful church of Margaret of Antioch dated the beginning
of the 14th century is standing near the Belforte Tower and the ruins of
the castle that was created in the 9th century. On the square facing the
bay there are many Italian cuisine restaurants. The population of
Vernazza is slightly more than 1000 people.

And finally, Monterosso al Mare. This town has the population of 1563
residents and differs from other fellow-towns by the sandy beach, which
attracts a lot of tourists. If you change your way, in 600 meters you
will find yourself in the old town. There are also a remote beach and a
trekking route to Vernazza.

[{Image src='06_Manarola.jpg' caption='Manarola' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='703'}]

During one of my previous journeys I managed to pass it all the way
through. For me it was a pleasure, but my companions refused flatly to
come over there again. However, even unprepared tourists can climb up
the Cristoforo Hill to reach the monastery of Capuchin and an old castle
built in the 16th century to protect the town from the Saracens.

If you are fond of romantic landscapes, hiking the mountains, sound of
the sea and Italian cuisine, you definitely should go to the Cinque
Terre. But you should note that on high season the number of amateurs of
local beauties rises dramatically, so you should book a hotel in

[{Image src='07_Manarola.jpg' caption='Manarola' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='500'}]

The easiest way to travel between all the five towns is by train which
leaves from the station La Spezia. But you should bear in mind that the
Italian sun and the breath of idleness in the air make the timetable
rather unreliable, so trains can leave earlier or be late. For amateurs
of trekking there are many routes of different difficulty. The longest
one (40 kilometers) will take an experienced traveller at least 12 hours
to complete. The shortest way between all the five towns can take you
about 5 hours. But to be honest, I have never met a person who would
visit all of them at once. You can't help stopping to drop in any of
these cosy Italian restaurants, haste is absolutely inappropriate here.

There are no luxurious hotels and huge restaurants. It is the place with
its own rules and laws. But the hospitality of people who paint their
houses in bright colours, the magnificent nature of Liguria, and the
sense of time travelling are the precious treasures of the Cinque Terre.

[{Image src='08_Monterosso al Mare.jpg' caption='Monterosso al Mare' alt='' width='900' popup='false' height='591'}]

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[4 Panoramas of Vernazza, Cinque Terre|Geography/Europe/Italy/Pictures/Panoramas_of_Vernazza]

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