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Rangiroa (meaning 'vast sky' in Tuamotuan) is the largest atoll in the Tuamotus, and one of the largest in the world. Rangiroa is home to about 2,500 people on almost 80 square kilometers. The main town is Avatoru, in the atoll's northwest. The following map shows its position 360 km northeast of Tahiti.

The picture shown is from one of the 360° panoramas made kindly availale to global-geography.org / Austria-Forum by Airpano, a leading member of the Global-Geography consortium

Rangiroa is mainly famous for:

--- its black pearls

--- having the only winery of French Polynesia

--- some of the best scuba diving in the world

--- For a report on Rangiroa and 360° panoramans see [French Polynesia- Part 4: Rangiroa

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