!!!Albert III., Graf von Tirol

b. around 1180, 
d. July 22, 1253, last in the line of the  Tiroler Grafen (Counts of 
the Tyrol), governor of Trento; from 1210 also of Brixen/Bressanone. 
In 1248 he acquired all the Tyrolean fiefs formerly held by the Counts 
of  Andechs-Meranien and the Counts of  Eppan; continued to unify the 
counties in what is now the province of Tyrol. 1254 these possessions 
were subsumed under the name "dominium" or "comecia Tyrolis". After 
the marriage of his daughter Adelheid to Meinhard III of Goerz,  
Meinhard III of Tyrol, the heritage of the Tyrolean Counts 
finally passed to the  Goerzer Grafen (Counts of Goerz or Gorizia).

J. Riedmann, in: Geschichte Ti., vol. 1, 1985.

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