!!!Lugmair, Günter

[{Image src='Lugmair Guenter.jpg' caption='' alt='' width='200' class='image_left' height='263'}]

University of California, San Diego\\
__Fields of Scholarship__:\\
Origin and evolution of the solar system,
Isotope Geo- and Cosmochemistry,
Early solar system timescales using extinct radionuclides,
Isotope tracer studies on terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials,
__For detailed information and contact__:\\
See his area of [Member of the Academia Europaea|http://www.ae-info.org/ae/User/Lugmair_Günter]\\
See his area of [UC San Diego|https://scripps.ucsd.edu/profiles/glugmair]\\

[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' aö AOE' Uni='Uni Wien' Kontrolle='Nein'}]