!!!Bartenstein, Johann Christoph Freiherr von

b. Strasbourg (France), Oct. 23, 1689, 
d. Vienna, Aug. 6, 1767, statesman. Succeeded K. Buol-Schauenstein as 
Confidential Secretary of State; as member of the so-called "Privy 
Conference" ("Geheime Konferenz") he was one of the closest advisers 
of Karl VI and responsible for Austrian foreign policy. B. played a 
key role in both the outbreak of the Second Turkish War and the War of 
the Austrian Succession. 1753 Maria Theresia replaced him as head of 
the Foreign Department by W.  Kaunitz; B. was also privy councillor 
and vice-chancellor of the "Directorium in publicis et cameralibus"; 
first director of the State Archives, which had been established on 
his initiative, tutor to the future Emperor Joseph II.

J. Hrazky, J. C. B., Der Staatsmann und Erzieher, in: 
Mitteilung des Oesterreichischen Staatsarchivs 11, 1958.

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