!!!Bruckner, Anton

b. Ansfelden (Upper Austria), Sept. 4, 1824, 
d. Vienna, Oct. 11, 1896, composer, organist, one of the greatest 
Austrian composers of symphonies of the 19th century. Since his family 
were teachers in Upper Austria, he first became a temporary assistant 
teacher in Windhaag bei Freistadt and Kronsdorf an der Enns, then 
1845-1855 a teacher, from 1848 organist in St. Florian Abbey, 
1855-1868 cathedral organist in Linz and member of the "Frohsinn" 
choral society in Linz, which he conducted after 1860. In addition 
studied music theory under S.  Sechter in Vienna and succeeded him as 
professor at the Vienna Conservatory and as court music organist; 
1875-1892 taught harmony and counterpoint at the University of Vienna. 
1871 concert tours to Paris and London, where he was celebrated as an 
organ virtuoso and above all as a great improviser.

Although B. also composed a lot of church music he is better known for 
his symphonies; unlike J.  Brahms, who concentrated on detailed music, 
B. had a two-dimensional style that has often been called 
"organ-like"; his symphonies are of epic proportions (E.  Hanslick: 
"Symphonic giant boas"); a morbid perfectionism urged B. to write 
several versions of many of his symphonies. Like hardly any other 
composer B. was considered a legend by his devotees even during his 
lifetime; this and various anecdotes surrounding him have created an 
incorrect image of him as a "provincial Parsifal", the "German Michel" 
or an "instrument of God", images which still exist to this day. At 
his own request B. was buried beneath the organ of St. Florian Abbey 
("B.-Orgel"). He left the original scores of his most important works 
to the Austrian National Library.

9 symphonies (plus 2 unofficial), 3 great masses, Tedeum, 150th 
Psalm, Requiem, religious and secular choral music, motets, psalms, 
hymns, piano, chamber, and organ music. - Edition: Gesamtausgabe, ed. 
by R. Haas and A. Orel, 1930ff.; Kritische Gesamtausgabe, ed. by the 
Directorate General of the Austrian National Library and the 
International Bruckner Society, 1951ff.

A. Goellerich and M. Auer, A. B., 4 vols., 1922-1936; L. 
Nowak, A. B., 1964; M. Wagner, B., 1983; R. Grasberger, B. skizziert 
(B. anecdotes) 1991; R. Grasberger (ed.), A. B. - Persoenlichkeit und 
Werk, 1995; M. Wagner, A. B. Sein Werk - sein Leben, 1995; U. Harten 
(ed.), A. B., 1996; H. Litschel (ed.), Vom Ruf zum Nachruf, exhibition 
catalogue, St. Florian/Mondsee 1996; E. Maier, A. B. Stationen eines 
Lebens, 1996; F. Scheder, A. B. Chronologie, 2 vols., 1996; R. Ulm 
(ed.), Die Symphonien B., 1998.

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