!!!Diplomatische Akademie Wien, DA

Diplomatische Akademie Wien, DA (Diplomatic Academy at Vienna), set up 
in 1964, continues the tradition of the Oriental Academy founded in 
1754 (1898-1938 Consular Academy); it has been under the jurisdiction 
of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1996 and provides 
specific post-graduate training for work in diplomacy or international 
organisations as well as in the international business and finance 
sector for graduates from various university disciplines. More than a 
half of the students come from countries other than Austria. Duration 
of studies: 12 month. Since 1997 a 2-semester course leading to the 
title of "Master of Advanced International Studies" has also been 
available. Admission criteria: completed university education, good 
command of languages ( especially English, French) entrance exam or 
proof of adequate qualifications. At present, the 
Diplomatic Academy is situated in the  Theresianum.

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