!!!Dohnal, Johanna

b. Vienna, Feb. 14, 1939. d. Mittergrabern, Feb. 20, 2010. Politician, 1972-1979 Secretary for Women's 
Affairs in the Austrian Social Democratic Party (SPOe) in Vienna, 
1973-1979 member of the Landtag of Vienna and of the Vienna City 
Council, from 1987-1995 Chairperson of Women's Affairs (SPOe), 
1979-1990 Staatssekretaerin of General Women's Affairs in the Federal 
Chancellery, 1990-1995 Minister of Women's Affairs. D. promoted the 
practical implementation of equal rights for women, mainly through 
laws and government support programmes.

E. Kreisky et al. (eds.), J. D., 1998.

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