!!!Donaukraft, Österreichische Donaukraftwerke AG

Donaukraft, Oesterreichische Donaukraftwerke AG, commissioned with the 
planning, construction and operation of power stations on the River 
Danube in Austria under the second Nationalisation Act of 1947 and 
until 1999 a special society of the  Verbundkonzern In 1998 it 
operated 9 hydroelectric power stations on the River Danube: Aschach 
(built 1959-1964, 287.4 MW), Ottensheim-Wilhering (1970-1974, 
179 MW), Abwinden-Asten (1976-1979, 168 MW), 
Wallsee-Mitterkirchen (1965-1968, 210 MW), Ybbs-Persenbeug 
(1954-1959, 236.5 MW), Melk (1979-1982, 187 MW), Altenwoerth 
(1973-1976, 328 MW); Greifenstein (1981-1985, 293 MW), and 
Vienna-Freudenau (1992-1998, 172 MW). Together they generate an 
average of 12,4 billion kWh of electricity per year (approx. 
25 % of all electricity generated by public power stations in 
Austria). The main shareholder of the Donaukraft was the 
Verbundgesellschaft (more than 95 %). In 1999 the Donaukraftwerke 
AG merged with  Tauernkraftwerke AG,  Verbundkraft Elektrizitaetswerke 
Gmbh and VEG to form the new group Austrian Hydro Power AG, which also 
belongs to the Verbundkonzern. The Austrian-Bavarian power station 
Jochenstein (1952-1956, 132 MW) is operated by the Donaukraftwerk 

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