!!!Drechsler Traxler, Josef

b. Vlachovo Březí, Czech Republic (then Waellisch-Birken), May 26, 1782, 
d. Vienna, Feb. 27, 1852, composer, conductor and organist. From 1807 
at the Theater in der Josefstadt in Vienna (1824-1830 in-house 
composer for the theatre; wrote music for stage works by F.  Raimund), 
from 1810 at the Hofoper, from 1815 mainly organist and church 
orchestra director, from 1844 orchestra director at St. Stephen's; 
around 1815 opened a school of music (e.g. taught J.  Strauss the 
Younger); also orchestra director at the Leopoldstadt Theatre in 

Sacred and theoretical works; operas, singspiele and stage 
music (Der Diamant des Geisterkoenigs, 1824; Das Maedchen aus der 
Feenwelt, 1826);

K. Preiss, J. D., 1910; OeBL.

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