!!!Egg, Erich

b. Hall in Tirol, May 1, 1920, historian and ethnologist, 1956-1985 
director of the  Ferdinandeum (Provincial Museum of Tyrol) and 
1963-1986 also of the Kaiserschuetzenmuseum.

Aus der Geschichte des Bauhandwerks in Tirol, 1957; Kunst in 
Tirol, 2 vols., 1970/72; Die Muenzen Kaiser Maximilians., 1971; 
Die Hofkirche in Innsbruck, 1974; Das grosse Tiroler Schuetzenbuch, 
1976 (together with W. Pfaundler); Das grosse Tiroler Blasmusikbuch, 
1979 (together with W. Pfaundler); Das Ti. Krippenbuch, 1985 (together 
with H. Menardi).

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