
Einjaehrig-Freiwillige (volunteers serving one year), also called 
"Einjaehrige"; type of army service introduced in 1868. It included 
all persons liable for military service who could establish proof of 
having their leaving certificates from a secondary school or (from 
1914) who on grounds of their occupation and social rank could prove 
to have the required educational background. Einjaehrig-Freiwillige 
were made reserve officers after one year of military service and 
after having completed a special training. They were soon regarded as 
fully adequate substitutes for officers and attended military 
exercises (6-8 weeks) for further training every year. The Military 
Service Act under the 1%%sup st/%  Republic did not include this 
institution at first; however, in 1935 it was re-introduced, and 
reorganised in 1964 (until then the army of the 2%%sup nd/%  Republic 
had "Maturantenkompanien", i.e. companies consisting of persons with 
secondary-level education). The prerequisites for attaining the rank 
of "cadet sergeant" or "second lieutenant" are military exercises 
lasting several weeks and relevant examinations within a period of 4 
years after starting the Einjaehrig-Freiwillige training. The highest 
rank a reserve officer can attain is "colonel" and, in isolated cases, 

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