!!!Fanti, Gaetano

b. Bologna (Italy), 1687, 
d. Vienna, Sept. 27, 1759, painter. Called to Vienna by Prince  
Eugène in 1715; representative of illusionistic architectural 
painting (quadratura, the extension of real architecture into 
imaginary space). Together with painters such as M.  Altomonte, 
J. M.  Rottmayr and P.  Troger, who specialized in the depiction 
of people or animals, he participated in creating magnificent frescoes 
and played a major role in the development of Austrian ceiling 
painting during the baroque period.

Vienna: Upper and Lower Belvedere, Karlskirche; Lower Austria: 
Melk monastery, Klosterneuburg; Salzburg: Mirabell Palace; and others.

U. Knall-Brskovsky, Ital. Quadraturisten in Oe., 1984.

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