
Fehring, Styria, town in the district of Feldbach, alt. 272 m, pop. 
3,201, area 29.59 km%%sup 2/%, industrial and business site, as well 
as secondary traffic junction on the Raab River, located east of 
Feldbach near the border of Burgenland and Slovenia. - Hadik-Kaserne 
barracks, indoor sports arena. Nearly 70 % of the population 
(1991) is employed in the production sector: electronics (conductor 
panels), building materials, paints, textile (children´s 
clothing) and furniture industry, cement works; poultry farm. - First 
documented mention in 1265. In 1945 Fehring was largely destroyed, 
became a town in 1962; Baroque parish church (1716-1723; rebuilt after 
1945) with a Gothic choir surrounded by fortifications, city gate 
(1615, widened around 1870) and a round tower (15%%sup th/%  century), 
Stein Castle (in Petzelsdorf, 2%%sup nd/%  half of 19%%sup th/%  
century) with a vocational school for agricultural studies.

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