
Cinematographic Technology, field of technology to which Austrian 
developments greatly contributed, particularly in the early years. The 
stroboscope, invented in 1832 by S. Stampfer, created the impression 
of moving pictures. The film projectors designed in 1846 by F. 
Uchatius made it possible for several persons to view such pictures 
simultaneously. Encouraged by his father, E. Mach, L. Mach succeeded 
in developing cinematographic time-lapse photography in 1893. In 1904 
A. Musger received a patent for the invention of slow-motion 
photography (presented in 1907). From 1931 until its bankruptcy in 
1981 Eumig company played a primary role in the production of 8mm/16mm 
film cameras. Since 1975 the Moviecam company in Vienna has been 
producing a 35-mm-low-noise-camera which is exported throughout the 

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