
Women's Literature, in general, literature written by women; the 
concept of feminist literature and literary criticism entered the 
German language at the beginning of the 1970s. The issue of the role 
of women in a society dominated by men and the relationship between 
the sexes are the main focus of women's literature. Under the 
influence of American and French writers (B. Friedan, K. Millett, S. 
de Beauvoir) issues concerning emancipation in culture and society, or 
a female counter-culture ("women's æsthetics") were addressed, 
and autobiographical writings of women play a key role. Until the 
beginning of the 20%%sup th/%  century only a few women in Austria 
stood out as writers: in the Middle Ages Frau Ava, in the Baroque era 
C. R. v. Greiffenberg, in the early 19%%sup th/%  century K. Pichler 
and F. v. Arnstein, who led a literary salon in Vienna; the first high 
points in women's literature are represented by the works of A. 
Christen and M. v. Ebner-Eschenbach. M. Kautsky, the "Rote Marlitt" 
made a case in her novels for a new self-awareness for women; V. Baum 
and G. Kaus, and others, wrote bestsellers in popular literature; S. 
Kubelka is a contemporary bestseller author. In the 20%%sup th/%  
century I. Bachmann achieved international fame as poet and narrative 
writer. Other women authors in the 20%%sup th/%  century are I. 
Aichinger, C. Busta, J. Ebner, B. Frischmuth, G. Fussenegger, P. 
Grogger, E. Gerstl, E. v. Handel-Mazzetti, M. Haushofer, E. Jelinek, 
M.-T. Kerschbaumer, C. Lavant, F. Mayroecker, C. Noestlinger, E. 
Reichart, B. Schwaiger, H. Spiel and D. Zeemann.

H. Blinn (ed.), Emanzipation und Literatur, 1984; C. 
Guertler (ed.), Schreiben Frauen anders?, 1984; H. Gnueg and R. 
Moehrmann (eds.), Frauen Literatur Geschichte, 1985; G. Brinker-Gabler 
(ed.), Deutsche Literatur von Frauen, 2 vols., 1988; T. Moi, Sexus 
Text Herrschaft. Feministische Literaturtheorie, 1989.

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