!!!Frimmel, Theodor von

Frimmel, Theodor von, b. Amstetten (Lower Austria), Dec. 15, 1853, 
d. Vienna, Dec. 25, 1928. musicologist, focused in particular on 
Beethoven's works. His numerous excerpts and notes are on display in 
the Beethoven House in Bonn.

Ludwig van Beethoven, 1901; Beethoven-Jahrbuch (only 
1908/1909); Beethoven-Briefe, 5 vols., 1910-1911 (ed.); Beethoven 
im zeitgen. Bildnis, 1923; Neuausgabe des B.-Werkverzeichnisses von G. 
Nottebohm (new edition of the list of works by G. Nottebohm), 1925, 
Beethoven-Handbuch, 2 vols., 1926.

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