!!!Gütersloh, Albert Paris eigentlich A. Conrad Kiehtreiber

b. Vienna, Feb. 5, 1887, 
d. Baden (Lower Austria), May 16, 1973, painter and author. In 1912 
student of M. Denis and correspondent in Paris, in 1917/18 at war 
press headquarters. Acquainted with trend-setters in Austrian 
literature, like H. v.  Hofmannsthal, R.  Musil, H.  Bahr and H. v.  
Doderer. In 1918/19 with F.  Blei, publisher of the newspaper "Die 
Rettung". First actor and producer, then 1930-1938 professor at the 
School for Arts and Crafts in Vienna. Debarred from practice by the 
National Socialists until 1945, 1945-1962 professor at the Vienna 
Academy of Fine Arts. 1953-1955 rector, president of the  Art-Club 
throughout its existence; as teacher of A.  Brauer, E.  Fuchs, W.  
Hutter and A.  Lehmden spiritual founder of the  Vienna School of 
Fantastic Realism. His literary works are marked by the development 
from expressionism to a sensual baroque style. Awarded the Grand 
Austrian State Prize in 1951 and 1961 and the Austrian Decoration for 
Science and Art in 1967.

still lifes, portraits, landscapes, small water-colours of 
ironic subjects, sketches for tapestries. - Essays: E. Schiele, 1911; 
Bekenntnisse eines modernen Malers, 1926. - Novels: Die tanzende 
Toerin, 1911; Der Luegner unter Buergern, 1922; Eine sagenhafte Figur, 
1946; Sonne und Mond, 1962. - Narratives: Die Fabeln vom Eros, 1947. - 
Poetry: Musik zu einem Lebenslauf, 1957.

F. Thurner, A. P. G. Studien zu seinem Romanwerk, 1970; A. 
P. G. Beispiele, catalogue of works, 1977; J. Adler, Allegorie und 
Eros, 1986; U. Storch, "Zwischen den Worten liegen alle andern 
Kuenste", doctoral dissertation, Vienna 1989; K. Schroeder, Neue 
Sachlichkeit, Exhibition guide, Kunstforum, Vienna 1995.

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