
Gallneukirchen, Upper Austria, market town in the district of 
Urfahr-Umgebung, alt. 337 m, pop. 5,114 (1981: pop. 4,398), area 
5.16 km%%sup 2/%, situated on the left bank of the Grosse Gusen, 
in the eastern Muehlviertel region northeast of Linz. - Headquarters 
of the provincial police, Protestant Diakoniewerk charity (care 
facilities, sheltered workshops for disabled people, school for social 
professions, etc.), missionaries of Mariannhill (Riedegg Castle), 
recreation centre. 1991: 1597 employed persons, half of whom in the 
service sector (especially social services) and half in the 
manufacturing sector: manufacture of kitchen furniture, tyre 
retreading company, metal industry, roofing company, preparation of 
and trade in blood sera, production of dental instruments; removals 
company (specialised in transporting art objects). - Parish church, 
Romanesque-Gothic pier basilica (13%%sup th/% /14%%sup th/%  century) 
with excellent Rococo interior; Hohenstein late-Gothic and Baroque 
church. Archeological finds from the Gallneukirchen Basin in the 
"Heimathaus" local history museum.

Heimatverein Gallneukirchen und Umgebung (ed.), 
Gallneukirchen. Ein Heimatbuch fuer die Gemeinden Gallneukirchen, 
Engerwitzdorf, Unterweitersdorf und Alberndorf, 1982.

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