!!!Gerstl, Elfriede

Gerstl, Elfriede, b. Vienna, June 16, 1932, author of 
experimental poetry and prose, radio plays; work marked by linguistic 
experiments, montages and quotes, frequently using questions of female 
identity as the main theme. From 1964-1966 worked with P. Bichsel, H. 
Fichte and others, co-written novels include "Das Gaestehaus". Awarded 
the Erich-Fried Prize and the Georg-Trakl Prize in 1999.

!Further works
Spielraeume, 1977 (Prose); Wiener Mischung, 1982; Vor 
der Ankunft, poems, 1988; Unter einem Hut, essays and poems, 1993; 
Kleiderflug, 1995; Die fliegende Frieda, 1998; Alle Tage Gedichte. 
Schaustuecke und Hoerstuecke, 1999.

C. Kleiber and E. Tunner (eds.), Frauenliteratur in 
Oesterreich, 1945 bis heute, 1986; H. J. Wimmer, In Schwebe 
halten, %%sup 2/%1998; D. Winkler Pegoraro, E. G.: 
"Sprache(n), Spiele, Spielraeume", doctoral thesis, Vienna 

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