
Legislation: The legislative power is strictly separated from the 
judicial and executive (administrative) powers ( Separation of Powers) 
Depending on the allocation of competences, laws are either passed by 
the  Nationalrat and the  Bundesrat (federal laws) or by the  Landtag 
(provincial laws). The legislative process is governed by provisions 
of the Federal and Provincial Constitutions and the rules of procedure 
of the respective legislative bodies.

In respect of certain matters (e.g. child welfare) the Federal 
government only sets out the general principles, according to which 
the Laender act by passing implementing statutes.

I.	 Federal legislation

1)	 Bills can be introduced by individual members in the form of 
private member´s bills, which require the support of at least 5 
members of the Nationalrat, by committees of the Nationalrat, by the 
Government (Government bill), by motions of the Bundesrat, or through 
popular initiatives. In practice, bills are generated by the political 
parties, while certain bodies (such as the Chambers) can submit 

2)	 Deliberations in the Nationalrat: There are up to three readings 
in the Nationalrat. In the first reading the general principles of the 
bill are discussed. In most cases the bill is then passed on to a 
committee by the president of the Nationalrat. During the second 
reading a general debate is held (= general deliberation of the bill 
as a whole) and followed by a special debate (which deals with 
individual items of the bill). If the bill is at that stage neither 
rejected nor referred back to the committee, the third reading follows 
and the whole bill is voted on.

3)	 Participation of the Bundesrat to safeguard the interests of the 
provinces: When a bill has been passed by the National Assembly it has 
to be presented to the Bundesrat, which can raise objection within 8 
weeks. If a reasoned objection is raised, the matter is referred back 
to the Nationalrat. The Nationalrat can overrule the objection by a 
vote in the presence of at least half of its members.

4)	 Special procedures: The Bundesrat cannot raise an objection 
against certain bills, such as bills containing dispositions over 
Federal assets, the dissolution of the Nationalrat and Finance Acts. 
In certain cases the Laender and/or the Bundesrat have the right to 
declare their consent.

5)	 Signature: A bill is signed into law by the signature of the 
Federal president and the countersignature of the Federal chancellor.

6)	 Promulgation of laws: The signed law has to be published in the 
Federal Law Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt, BGBL). Unless otherwise 
provided, the law becomes effective on the day after publication in 
the BGBL.

II. Provincial Legislation

Provincial laws are passed by the respective Landtag according to a 
procedure similar to the one that applies to Federal legislation. 
Notice of the acts has to be given to the Federal Chancellery. After 
scrutiny, the Federal government can, if necessary, give its approval 
or raise an objection within 8 weeks on grounds that the act is in 
conflict with federal interests. The Landtag can reaffirm its decision 
and in this way overrule the objection. The act is then published by 
the head of the provincial government (Landeshauptmann - provincial 
governor) in the Landesgesetzblatt (provincial law gazette).

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