!!!Greiffenberg, Catharina Regina, Freiin von Seisenegg

b. Seisenegg (municipality of Viehdorf, Lower Austria), Sept. 7, 1633, 
d. Nuremberg (Germany), April 8, 1694, renowned Protestant mystic and 
poet. Wrote religious sonnets and songs with mystic and humanist 
elements, as well as religious devotional literature; the most 
significant female author of the Baroque.

Geistliche Sonette, 1662 (songs and poems); Sieges-Seule der 
Busse und des Glaubens, 1675 (against the invasion of the Turks); 
Andaechtige Betrachtungen der Passion (1672), der Menschwerdung (1678) 
und Des Allerheiligsten Lebens Jesu (1693).

P. Daly, Dichtung und Emblematik bei C. R. v. G., 1976; C. 
M. Pumplun, "Begriff des Unbegreiflichen", 1995; OeBL.

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