!!!Großmacht der Barockzeit

Great Power of the Baroque Age: The period after the  Thirty Years' 
War was characterised by a decline of the power of the Emperor and the 
ascendancy of the local rulers in the Holy Roman Empire. Even the 
Habsburg emperors themselves focused on the external security and 
internal consolidation of their own hereditary lands rather than on 
safeguarding the interests of the Empire.

The Ottoman Empire continued to be the most powerful neighbour. It was 
probably on account of manifold internal problems that it had not 
interfered in the Thirty Years' War. The threat to Austria came to a 
head again when the Ottoman Empire sought to subdue Transylvania 
around 1660. In 1664 a Christian army led by Count Raimund  
Montecuccoli for the first time succeeded in vanquishing the enemy at 
Mogersdorf-Sankt Gotthard, prompting Emperor  Leopold I to carry 
the Counter-Reformation to Hungary. This resulted in conspiracies on 
the part of Hungarian noblemen ( Magnates' Conspiracy), which were 
suppressed by the Imperial Court when the leading conspirators were 
executed in 1671. Unrest in Hungary persisted up to the great Turkish 
War 1683-1699 ( Turkish Wars).

The second half of the 17th century was marked by the end of the  
Counter-Reformation. All noticeable remnants of Protestantism were 
eliminated and many people forced to emigrate, and a large number of 
pilgrimage centres were founded to promote and strengthen the Catholic 
faith.  Mariazell in Styria was turned into the foremost destination 
for pilgrimages, and new centres were created at Maria Taferl, on 
Sonntagberg hill, near Gutenstein and at Maria Dreieichen near Horn 
(all in Lower Austria), on Poestlingberg hill near Linz in Upper 
Austria and at Poellau in Styria.

Political power was concentrated in the hands of a few families with 
considerable incomes that permitted them to finance splendid Baroque 
buildings. The aristocracy also stimulated economic activity such as 
the foundation of factories and the transformation of landed property 
into manufacturing domains. While many of these enterprises were 
successful, such as that undertaken by Ferdinand Sigmund Count Kurz at 
Horn, others failed or were involved in cases of corruption, such as 
Georg Ludwig Count  Sinzendorf at Walpersdorf. In line with 
mercantilist doctrine ( mercantilism), economic activity became the 
main focus of interest. Scholars like Johann Joachim  Becher or 
Wilhelm von Schroeder developed complex theories on how to further 
develop business, but the practical implementation of these theories 
initially met with difficulties. Yet another leading personality in 
this context was Philipp Wilhelm von  Hoernigk, who gave expression to 
the prevailing optimistic belief in the success of economic policy 
with the slogan "Austria above all - if she only wants" 
("Oesterreich ueber alles, wann es nur will"). Major 
setbacks were suffered on account of the expulsion of the Jews from 
Vienna under Emperor Leopold I in 1669-1670 (when the ghetto was 
converted into a settlement thenceforth called Leopoldstadt) and the 
severe plague epidemic of 1679.

The military situation in Hungary escalated in due course. The Ottoman 
rulers lent their support to the Kuruc king Imre Toekoeli (known in 
Austria as Emmerich  Thoekoely von Kesmark and, in 1683, organised the 
last major advance of an Ottoman army towards the west. Under the 
command of Grand Vizier  Kara Mustafa the second  Turkish Siege of 
Vienna, began on July 14, 1683 and the area around Vienna was 
laid waste by the Tartars. While the defenders of the beleaguered city 
held out against the enemy, an army under the supreme command of the 
Polish King  Jan III Sobieski on September 12 descended from 
Kahlenberg hill and vanquished the Ottoman troops, thus initiating the 
reconquest of Hungary from the Turks.

In the same year, 1683, the Imperial troops began their Hungarian 
campaign, which was highly successful in subsequent years. Buda was 
conquered on September 9, 1686, Transylvania was occupied and 
claimed for the Habsburgs, the Imperial army advanced to southern 
Serbia, where Belgrade was conquered in 1689 and the Ottomans 
vanquished at Niš. After some temporary setbacks the new 
commander of the Imperial army, Prince  Eugène of Savoy won the 
decisive victory in the battle of  Zenta on September 11, 1697. 
By the peace of  Carlowitz all of Hungary except for the Banat and 
Transylvania was acquired by the Habsburgs. Now the Austrian Habsburgs 
felt strong enough to fight France over succession to the possessions 
of their Spanish relations ( War of the Spanish Succession).

After 1648 the Austrians, as supporters of the Habsburg Emperors, had 
waged several wars against France in defence of the Empire, but had 
rarely been able to achieve political success. Alsace including 
Strasbourg fell to France, which also succeeded in gaining advantages 
in the Spanish Netherlands. When the Spanish line of the Habsburgs 
died out in 1700, the Austrians claimed their estate even though the 
last Spanish king, Carlos II, had devised his realm to his closer 
relatives, the Bourbons. With the support of England and the 
Netherlands, Karl, Emperor Leopold I's younger son, tried to 
establish himself in Spain while his elder brother,  Joseph I 
fought in Italy, Germany and the Low Countries. Though the allies 
gained several victories, none of them was decisive. When 
Joseph I died in 1711 and  Karl VI was to inherit the 
emperorship and the Austrian lands, he lost the support of the Western 
Powers and had to resign himself to making peace, which was concluded 
at Rastatt and (for the Empire) at Baden. The Austrians were 
recognised as rulers of the former Spanish possessions of the Southern 
Netherlands (Belgium), Naples and Sardinia (later Sicily), Milan and 
Mantua. When Prince Eugène conquered Belgrade in a new Turkish 
War in 1717 the Habsburg possessions reached their largest extension 
in 1718 after the Peace of  Passarowitz.

Karl VI wanted to pass on all of his Habsburg kingdoms and lands 
to his family, even though he did not have a male heir. By means of 
the  Pragmatic Sanction promulgated in 1714, which had been recognised 
by all of the Estates by 1722, he was able to ensure that all these 
possessions descended without partition even to female heirs. In 
external affairs, however, this success could not be attained without 
compromises which further impaired the power of the Emperor. This was 
clearly demonstrated in the course of the war of the  Polish 
Succession in 1733-1735, when Naples and Sicily were lost, and in a 
further Turkish War in 1737-1739, which resulted in the loss of 
Belgrade and Northern Serbia.

The period after the successful defence against the Turkish threat was 
characterised by a spate of building ( Baroque), which was only partly 
due to the need to repair the damage done by the Ottoman invaders. 
Much more importantly, it was the desire of the upper classes, and 
also the Church, to display their wealth and influence that caused 
them to commission buildings of unprecedented splendour. The leading 
architects of the era included Johann Bernhard  Fischer von Erlach and 
his son Joseph Emanuel  Fischer von Erlach and Johann Lukas von  
Hildebrandtin Vienna and Salzburg, Jakob  Prandtauerin western Lower 
Austria and in Upper Austria and Johann Michael  Prunner in Upper 
Austria. Frescoes were painted by such artists as  Troger, D.  Gran, 
M.  Altomonte and B.  Altomonte and F. A.  Maulbertsch.

Economic growth was supported by the construction of a network of 
roads, which also served the postal system, and the establishment of 
factories and  Manufakturen such as a chinaware workshop that was 
later to become the Viennese  Porzellanmanufaktur Augarten. In the 
Waldviertel region Johann Christoph Ferdinand Count Mallenthein tried 
to establish a textile industry, which was, however, bound to fail 
when the Emperor was forced, out of consideration for England, to 
abolish the Ostend Company ( Trading Companies, Privileged).

Major destinations for the immigration of skilled workers, mostly from 
southwestern Germany and Italy, were, at that time, in particular the 
Hungarian Banat as well as other parts of the hereditary lands. The 
influx from these countries and from Spain was particularly massive in 
the age of Emperor Karl VI. When he died on October 20, 
1740, this period came to a sudden end and the rule of  Maria 
Theresia, which lasted for four decades, marked a new phase in 
Austrian history ( Maria Theresia, Age of).

O. Redlich, Oesterreichs Aufstieg zur Grossmacht, 
%%sup 4/%1962; idem, Weltmacht des Barock, %%sup 4/%1961 (Geschichte 
Oesterreichs by A. Huber 1921-1939, vols. 6 and 7); K. Gutkas (ed.), 
Prinz Eugen und das barocke Oesterreich, 1985.

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