!!!Groll, Hans

Groll, Hans, b. Linz (Upper Austria), Jan. 14, 1909, 
d. Vienna, Aug. 29, 1975, educational theorist for physical 
education; technical head of the Institute for Physical Education and 
director of the Federal Institute for Physical Education in Vienna 
from 1946-1975; from 1969 Professor of physical education at the 
University of Vienna. Greatly contributed to the development of 
natural physical education.

Leibeserziehung, 1949 (with E. W. Burger); Idee und 
Gestalt der Leibeserziehung von heute, 3 vols., 1962-1968; Die 
Systematiker der Leibesuebungen, %%sup 5/%1970. - Editor of the 
publication "Leibesuebungen - Leibeserziehung" 1946-1975 and the 
publication series "Theorie und Praxis der Leibesuebungen".

Leibesuebungen - Leibeserziehung, 1975; H. Andrecs and S. 
Redl (publ.), Forschen, Lehren, Handeln, 1976.

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