!!!Gutolf von Heiligenkreuz

Gutolf von Heiligenkreuz, 
d. around 1300, Cistercian monk, chronicler, philosopher. 1265-1284 in 
Vienna, abbot of Heiligenkreuz monastery; 1289 as a former supporter 
of Přemysl Otakar II was forced to leave Heiligenkreuz, went 
to Moravia, returned in 1293.

Historia annorum 1264-79; Translatio Sanctae Delicianae 
(description of transposing relics from Prague to Vienna); Vita S. 

A. E. Schoenbach, G. v. H., in: 
Sitzungsberichte Wiener Akademie, 150, 159, 1905/08; H. Watzl, 
Heiligenkreuz, 1987.

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