!!!Höhnel, Ludwig von

b. Bratislava (Slovakia), Aug. 6, 1857, 
d. Vienna, March 23, 1942, explorer, admiral. Starting in 1886 
explored East Africa together with S. Count Teleki discovering Lake 
Turkana and Ch´ew Bahir in 1888. In 1892 he was in the Kenya 
area together with W. A. Chanler; introduced Austrian chamois to 
New Zealand. 1899-1903 aide-de-camp of Emperor Franz Joseph I.

Zum Rudolph-See und Stephanie-See, 1892; Mein Leben zur See, 
auf Forschungsreisen und bei Hofe, 1926.

I. Simanyi, L. Ritter v. H. (1857-1942). Leben und 
Werk, 2 vols., 1988; OeBL; NDB.

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