!!!Hainburg an der Donau

Hainburg an der Donau, Lower Austria, town in the district of Bruck an 
der Leitha, alt. 161 m, pop. 5,752, area 25.05 km%%sup 2/%, 
easternmost town of Lower Austria, on the right bank of the River 
Danube, in the Hainburger Pforte gap between the Hundsheimer Berge 
hills and Kleine Karpaten mountains, close to the border with 
Slovakia; bridge over the River Danube (since 1973). - Employment 
Services, customs office, Marc-Aurel-Kaserne barracks, Chamber of 
Labour, district Chamber of Farmers, hospital, Volkshilfe welfare 
organisation, golf course, theatre festival at the fortress (since 
1977, June- September); high-level services (about 64 % of all 
employed persons 1991; particularly personal, social and public 
services as well as commerce); production of tobacco products (from 
1723 Austria-Tabak-Werke) and cigarette filters, some tourism. 
Earliest settlement in the Neolithic period (Braunsberg), remains of 
medieval fortification (walled circle and towers from the 13%%sup th/% 
 century) in good condition: the Wiener Tor portal (around 1270 and 
after 1529) is one of the most important portals of its kind, today 
houses museum of local history and culture (with archaeological 
finds); Ungartor portal (around 1260, attic storey 15%%sup th/% 
 century); Fischertor portal (around 1330). On the Schlossberg 
mountain (290 m) above the town lies a medieval fortress 
(established 1043, mentioned in the Nibelungenlied under the name of 
"Heimburc") with remains of the fortification, the great hall 
(12%%sup th/%  -13%%sup th/%  centuries) and the chapel 
(12%%sup th/%  century), several alterations until the 18%%sup th/%  
century. Parish church with Baroque elements (first documented mention 
1236), around 1700 Baroque extension, high altar (1713), dodecagonal 
baptismal font (beginning of 16%%sup th/%  century); Romanesque 
charnel house (1%%sup st/%  half of 13%%sup th/%  century) with 
richly-moulded round-arch portal, lantern (14%%sup th/%  century) next 
to it; late-Baroque column dedicated to the Virgin Mary (1749) on the 
main square; Haydn-Brunnen fountain (1932, consisting of Renaissance 
base and Baroque basin); Gothic and Renaissance town houses (arcaded 
courtyards) and houses from the 18%%sup th/%  -19%%sup th/%  
centuries. In December 1984 demonstrations in and occupation of the 
Hainburg Au riverine wetland area to avoid the construction of a 
hydro-electric power plant on the River Danube ( Occupation of 

Oesterreichisches Staedtebuch, vol. IV, part 2, 
Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 1976.

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