
Wedding Customs, have survived mostly in rural areas, elsewhere in 
simplified or altered forms. On the eve of the wedding the Polterabend 
(stag party) is celebrated. The actual day of the wedding can start 
with gun salutes ("Brautaufwecken" = waking the bride); the wedding 
party goes to church either in decorated cars (often sounding their 
horns) or they walk in procession. After the ceremony friends often 
form a lane, sometimes with articles relevant to the occupations or 
hobbies of the couple. Blocking the way from the church to the 
restaurant (which is prevented by paying a ransom or a forfeit) is 
particularly popular in eastern Austria. Most common traditions: photo 
session, wedding meal, cutting the wedding cake, special dances, 
"kidnapping" the bride and taking her to another restaurant and 
releasing her against ransom paid by the groom or bridegroom 
("stealing the bride"), escorting the couple to their home, 
accompanied by music, blocking their front door, etc. Other 
traditions, less common nowadays, are the removal of the bridal wreath 
and veil during a special dance at midnight, special courtship and 
engagement customs, ceremonious transferral of the dowry, favourite 
days (Tuesday, Thursday) or times (after the harvest, at carnival) for 
weddings and inviting guests by a specially chosen person 

The white wedding dress probably became popular in the Empire period. 
Weddings in traditional costume have been particularly popular in the 
country since the 1960s. Other family occasions are the "silver 
wedding" (after 25 years), the "golden wedding" (after 50 years), the 
"iron wedding" (after 65 years) and the "diamond wedding" (after 70 

V. Geramb, Sitte und Brauch in Oesterreich, 1948; D. 
Duenninger, Wegsperre und Loesung, 1967; B. Deneke, Hochzeit, 1971; L. 
Schmidt, Hochzeitsbraeuche im Wandel der Gegenwart, 1976.

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