!!!Hormayr, Josef, Freiherr zu Hortenburg, geb. 1781

b. Innsbruck (Tyrol), Jan. 20, 1781, 
d. Munich (Germany), Nov. 5, 1848, historian, diplomat, freedom 
fighter. From 1808 director of the state archives; at the behest of 
Archduke  Johann, J. H. and A.  Hofer made the preparations for  
Tyrol's Fight for Freedom, in which J. H., as imperial administrator 
and court commissioner, assumed a leading role. 1813 arrested by 
Metternich (see:  Alpenbund). Entered into the service of Bavaria in 
1828; in his works "Anemonen" (4 vols., 1945-1847) and "Kaiser Franz 
und Metternich" (1848) harshly criticised the Austrian regime of the 
Vormaerz, the era preceding the revolution of 1848.

Other works: Oe. Plutarch, 20 vols., 1807-1814 (lives and portraits of 
all the regents of the Austrian empire); Wien, seine Geschicke und 
seine Denkwuerdigkeiten, 9 vols., 1822-1824; Das Land Tirol und der 
Tirolerkreig von 1809, 2 vols., 1845. - Ed.: Archiv fuer Geschichte, 
Statistik, Literatur und Kunst, 1810-1837; Taschenbuch fuer 
vaterlaendische Geschichte, 18 vols., 1811-1848.

L. C. Tuerkel, Das publizistische Wirken des J. Frh. V. 
H., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1980; NDB.

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