!!!Johnsbach Johnsbach, Styria, municipality in the district of Liezen, alt. 853 m, pop. 188, area 97.71 km%%sup 2/%, small summer tourist resort (21,363 overnight stays) in Johnsbach Valley (southern offshoot of the Gesaeuse gorge) in the nature reserve "Ennstaler und Eisenerzer Alpen". Building industry. - Parish church (1310, completely rebuilt 1663-1666; presbytery (1608); mountain climbers´ cemetery. South of Johnsbach, dripstone cave Odlsteinhoehle; to the north-east Wolfbauer Waterfall. %%language [Back to the Austrian Version|AEIOU/Johnsbach|class='wikipage austrian'] %% [{FreezeArticle author='AEIOU' template='Lexikon_1995_englisch'}] [{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW comment All}][{ALLOW edit FreezeAdmin}]