
Kaerntnertortheater, Vienna, designed by A. Beduzzi in 1709, built 
under an imperial privilege near the original Kaerntnertor (on the 
grounds of the Hotel Sacher) by order of the Viennese municipal 
administration. The Kaerntnertortheater was opened by an Italian 
theatrical troupe, and, from 1712 to 1727, run by J.  Stranitzky and 
after his death by his wife; in 1728 the court artists Borosini und 
Selliers, who gave some fine performances of intermezzi in German and 
Italian, introducing song and dance, became the directors of the 
theatre. From 1742 to 1750 the theatre was leased to Selliers and in 
the following year (1751) it was run by Rocco de Lopresti. In 1752, 
however, when Maria Theresia had abolished the imperial privilege, the 
municipal administration was again put in charge of the theatre; in 
1761 it was destroyed by fire and rebuilt by the court architect N. 
Pacassi; in 1763 it was reopened under the name of Imperial Court 
Theatre. Between 1810 and 1814 only ballets and operas in German and 
Italian were performed. After a considerable period during which the 
theatre was leased to a number of artists, including the Italian 
impresario Barbaja (triumph of the Italian opera) and the dancer L. 
Antoine (who engaged F.  Elssler and M.  Taglioni), it returned to the 
municipal court administration in 1849 and was demolished in 1870. 
Between 1861 and 1869 the Vienna Court Opera House (now the State 
Opera) was built on the adjoining grounds.

E. Schenk, Die Anfaenge des Wiener Kaerntnertortheaters 
(1710 bis 1748), doctoral thesis., Vienna, 1969; G. Zechmeister, Die 
Wiener Theater naechst der Burg und naechst dem Kaerntnerthor von 1747 
bis 1776, 1971.

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