!!!Königswarter, Jonas ab 1871 Freiherr von

Koenigswarter, (from 1871 Baron von) Jonas, b. Frankfurt am Main 
(Germany), Aug. 10, 1807, d. Vienna, Dec. 23, 1871. Banker, 
father of Baron Moriz von  Koenigswarter. Trained in his 
father´s bank, in 1829 took charge of his uncle Moritz 
K.´s banking and bill business (established in 1810), expanded 
it to found the "Bankgeschaeft K. & Todesco". Was appointed President 
of the  Austrian National Bank in 1850, and with the Rothschilds 
established the  Creditanstalt-Bankverein AG  bank in 1855. In the 2nd 
half of the 19th century was considered one of the most important 
Viennese financiers. From 1867 President of the Vienna Jewish 


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