!!!Karlweis, Carl eigentlich Karl Weiß, auch Weiss

Karlweis, Carl (real name: Karl Weiss, also Weiss), b. Vienna, 
Nov. 23, 1850, d. Vienna, Oct. 27, 1901, playwright and narrative 
writer, railway official, father of Oskar  Karlweis, feature writer 
for "Wiener Tagblatt", "Neue Freie Presse" and "Gartenlaube". Wrote 
numerous tales, novels, comedies and popular plays, some together with 
H.  Bahr and V.  Chiavacci. 1886 awarded the Raimund Prize for his 
popular play "Der kleine Mann" (1894).

!Further works
Novels: Wr. Kinder, 1887; Ein Sohn seiner Zeit, 1892. - 
Popular plays: Aus der Vorstadt, 1893 (mit H. Bahr); Das grobe Hemd, 

A. Gruber, C. K., doctoral thesis, Wien 1949.

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