!!!Kematen in Tirol

Kematen in Tirol, municipality in the district of Innsbruck Land, alt. 
610 m, pop. 2,258, area 6.99 km%%sup 2/%, situated in the 
upper Inn Valley to the west of Innsbruck at the mouth of the Sellrain 
Valley. - Kematen has a Hoehere Lehranstalt fuer Land- und 
Hauswirtschaft (upper-level secondary school for agriculture and 
domestic science), a power station, cosmetics and varnish industry, a 
large bakery, manufactures agricultural machines and sanitary 
equipment. - Parish church with central part dating from the Middle 
Ages (13%%sup th/% -14%%sup th/%  century), Baroque alterations 
(1736-1753), interior from 1870-1872; most of the original old 
building structure of Afling (part of Kematen) has been preserved; 
former seat of the Spitzenstein family; free standing boxes (corn 
lofts), baking oven and laundries.

O. Pichlmeier, Kematen in der Geschichte, 1979; P. Pischl, 
Kematen. Ein Dorf im Wandel der Zeit, master´s thesis, Innsbruck 

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