
Klassenlotterie: The Austrian class lottery was launched on January 3, 
1913. Its organisation was entrusted to the "k. k. Lotto 
Gefaellsdirektion" (later "k. k. Generaldirektion der 
Staatslotterie"). Due to a total value of prizes of 22,268,000 crowns, 
the demand for tickets was great. After World War I the 
1%%sup st/%  lottery was called "Oesterreichische Klassenlotterie", 
from May 5, 1939 onwards "Deutsche Reichslotterie". In the 
41%%sup st/%  class lottery early in 1946 tickets were sold in three 
classes. In the 42%%sup nd/%  round there were already five classes. 
In 1960 the organisation of the class lottery was consigned to the 
"Oesterreichische Gluecksspielmonopolverwaltung" ("Austrian Gambling 
Monopoly Administration"). Following an amendment to the law on 
gambling the Austrian  °Lotterien Ges. m. b. H. took 
over this task on May 1, 1990.The total value of prizes in the lottery 
with more than 1 billion ATS (1999) is divided into six different 
classes. The winner receives 50 million ATS. Each class ticket, which 
can be sold in fractions down to one eighth of one ticket value, can 
be drawn several times.

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