
Knittelfeld, Styria, town in the district of Knittelfeld, alt. 643 m, 
pop. 12,873, (1981: 14,136), area 4.53 km%%sup 2/%, situated on the 
Aichfeld plain in the valley of the River Mur/Mura.- District 
administrative office, district court, job centre, highway maintenance 
depot for federal and provincial roads, Chamber of Labour, Chamber of 
Commerce, district branch of the Chamber of Agriculture, hospital, 
Catholic workers' home, sports centre, life and family counselling, 
youth counselling and day home, cultural and congress centre, library, 
school centre: Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium secondary 
schools, Handelsschule (commercial school), adult education centre, 
"Obersteirische Nachrichten" newspaper. Economic centre of the region, 
6,720 (1991) people employed, many of them commuters, service sector 
dominates (about 58%); Federal Railways workshop, metal household 
goods factory (Austria Email), dairy, plant and machine construction, 
tool production, zinc coating shop, wood processing, electricity 
generating station, printing house.- First documented mention 1224, 
town charter in 1302, large parts of town destroyed in 1944/45; parish 
church (originally Gothic, newly constructed in 1950-1957), 
Romanesque-Gothic church of St. John in the Field, high altar with 
tabernacle (around 1760), statue of the Virgin Mary (1714-1718), 
Luther stairway.

L. Hammer, Aus Knittelfelds Vergangenheit, 1959; Oesterr. 
Staedtebuch, vol. VI, part 3, Die Staedte der Steiermark, 1990; E. 
Reinwald and P. Eisenschmied, Knittelfeld, 1990.

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